Massage therapy is the application of gentle manipulation of the soft tissue of the body. Massage techniques used include gentle squeezing, kneading, striking, rubbing, stretching, and tapping of specific locations on the human body. The purpose of the massage Edmonton therapy is usually for the relief of mild body pain or stress. It can also help prevent injury, improve circulation and flexibility, relieve muscle tension and spasm, improve mental alertness and concentration, reduce or eliminate anxiety and stress, as well as promote healing from injuries and other diseases.
Muscle tension is one of the main causes for discomfort, illness, and disease in people of all ages. Muscle tension, coupled with increased blood pressure (the fight or flight of a muscle contracting process) causes the pain sensation we feel during massage therapy. When a person has an intense muscle spasm, he/she will experience increased blood pressure and enhanced pain tolerance. Keep in mind that this therapy increases the blood flow to the muscles which relieves muscle spasm and pain.
In the context of a massage therapy session, it is common for a client to be required to recline back in a reclining chair for a period of time. This enables a massage therapist to properly stretch the neck and shoulders while applying massage therapy techniques such as gentle stretching, back and shoulder rubs, and stretching of the hamstrings, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, and biceps and triceps. This allows a massage therapist to release muscle tension that has built up due to everyday activities, stress, and long hours at work. Many people who have the tendency to sleep much during the day also find it beneficial to have a massage before going to bed. A deep tissue massage has the ability to relieve the stress and anxiety of a day so that the sleeper is better able to relax after a long and hard day at work.
One of the most common uses of massage therapy is for injuries and conditions that have developed over the course of a person's lifetime. Osteoarthritis is a condition that develops over the course of one's adult life that causes deterioration of one's bones that usually affects the knees, hips, and hands. The soft tissues in the area around these bones become inflamed and damaged, which results in the loss of motion and sensation. People suffering from this condition often experience pain when they move their hands or legs. Regularly receiving massage therapy treatments can significantly reduce the inflammation of the soft tissues and help patients deal with this painful condition.
Another condition that massage therapy is commonly used for is that of carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a progressive condition that affects the median nerve that supply the hand and the fingers with the sensation of touch and movement. The syndrome is most common in the fingers and can cause severe pain that can greatly affect a person's quality of life. Regular sessions with a therapist allow a therapist to ease the pressure on the soft tissues and the tendons so the patient can regain the ability to move as well as function.
In addition to treating conditions such as osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, massage therapy is beneficial in the reduction of chronic stress and tension. Massage can be used as a simple technique to relax and unwind the mind while a therapist works deep into the muscles and soft tissues to relieve the tension and stress that a person may have built up over the course of their life. Many people who undergo regular massage therapy treatments find that their overall mental and physical well-being has improved as well as their ability to sleep. This improved sleep results in better digestion, greater bowel functioning, and healthier immune function. You can click this link if you want to get more enlightened on the above topic: